Wednesday, July 2, 2008

how to survive in Gaza

How to survive in Gaza? is a question that you have to answer if you're in Gaza...why? because everything around you have been settled and designed to take your life away from you or at least to make it impossible for you to live...
what are the basic needs for the life to continue nowadays?I mean in any place in the earth, what do you need to live??????
let's list the important things down and check their availability in Gaza?
1- food and water are very essential...(they're available but guess is available but only through aids from outside, water is available but for few hours a day and with bad quality because of its salinity)
2- Electricity...(again it is available but for half of the day only and with low reaches 170 volte sometimes).
3- Transportation..(wow good, buses,...etc are available but they simply zip the pessengers and always overloaded because of the fuel crisis).
4- Safety...(will it depends on where you it near the borders?in this case you may die at any moment...if you live somewhere may not mattar that much because of the flys in the sky which we call them Israeli Appatchi...they may hunt you at any time)..
5- Hospitals and midical services ( doubts, if you're sick now then for sure you're unlucky at all, especially if you have chronic disease because the situation is simply designed for you take this chance and is easier according to everyone outside Gaza)..
6- Other Goods...(clothes, shoes,...anything you may think that it might be needed is simply not available or it is available but with high prices...
what do you think??????????is it possible to live easily in Gaza or it has become a survival story???

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