It had been 20 days now since Israel decided to put its strong closure ever on Gaza Strip. For the first time in its history, Gaza suffers huge shortage in all basic needs. Nothing had entered Gaza Strip during this period except some few trucks once 10 days ago for UNRWA. Situation has badly developed in terms of food and other supplies. All bakeries in Gaza city are closed due to the absence of flora. Population in Gaza city (around 550,000) are the most infected and influenced population among Gaza Strip population in other areas. Population in Gaza city receives electricity 2 or 3 hours a day. Linking to the power supply, water supply, especially for multi-story and high buildings, is 4-6 hours a week. Water and sanitation facilities are badly operating and their components can suffer huge catastrophe at any moment. Hospitals and medical care centers suffer from shortage in power supply all the time. Many patients face the danger and risk of death at any moment due to their need of using relying on medical equipments, especially those in intensive care units. All international NGOs and UN are worried about the situation and have declared many times that this closure must end and they made many coordination and contact with Israel to make the Israeli re-determine and re-consider their strong and hard actions which are considered as collective punishment to the Palestinians in Gaza. However, Israel has not shown any flexibility in dealing with Gaza Strip and claims all the time that its lands and people security are threatened. Few reports did mention that Palestinian fractions had received an Egyptian offer to keep the truce and stop launching rockets on Israeli nearby cities for the price offered by Israelis to re-open trading crossing points as they were before 20 days. However, it does not seem that such offer is validated or agreed yet. The situation is badly deteriorating and its results and outcomes are unpredictable and no one knows what would be the coming scenario of the coming days.
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